Thursday, December 8, 2011

Utterly Grateful

That phrase perfectly describes the past year of my life.  

I cannot describe the joy and peace God has brought to my life.
I often wonder what I would do if God took it all away.  Like tomorrow.  What if God took tomorrow from me?  He would still be a just God. 
I try to prepare for unforeseen episodes in life that snatch precious moments from our lingering fingers.  I greatly enjoy the simplicity and complexity of life.  I love to research and research and research unanswerable questions.  I try to never stop searching for peace.  I want to be able to comfort a person during pain and anger and to be joyful during their celebrations.  
Since starting my job, distractions seem to disappear from life.  I am more persistent in developing relationships.  I complete my devotions every morning at the office before the work day begins.  My time outside of work is precious.  I can't believe how worried I used to be about God being...God.  I am praying consistently for ministry within the new church we are committing to.  I am loving marriage more than ever.  I miss my family and friends dearly, but am excited to plan trips to see them.  I wish I could convey these scrambled feelings more adequately. 

This is a wonderful moment in life to be at.

Thank You, Lord, for all the wonderful blessings, gifts and lessons I've learned.